Tou’s Garden
Australian Mango Exporters
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

Kensington Pride
Kensington Pride is the most popular Australian mango, often called Bowen Mango, due to its place of origin.
With it’s long shelf life, the R2E2 is sought after on the export market making it suitable for export by sea or air.
Nam Doc Mai
Originating from Thailand is perhaps one of the world’s most versatile mangoes for all requirements and eating stages.
Maha Chanok
A large, regular bearing fiberless fruit with a flat seed similar in shape to Nam Doc Mai mangoes.
Tahitian Limes
The most popular lime grown in Australia, it is a widely used flavouring for food and drinks.

Kensington Pride
Most popular Australian mango, often called Bowen Mango, due to its place of origin.

With it’s long shelf life, this variety is sought after on the export market making it suitable for export by sea or air.

Nam Doc Mai
Originating from Thailand this variety is perhaps one of the world’s most versatile mangoes for all requirements and eating stages.

Maha Chanok
A large, regular bearing fiberless fruit with a flat seed similar in shape to Nam Doc Mai mangoes.

Tahitian Limes
Tahitian Lime Tree produces lime green citrus fruits also known as Persian

Exporting mangos for over 26 years
Originally Tou’s Garden was established to assist with the management of mango plantations in Howard Springs, Berry Springs and the new development at Acacia Gap. All conveniently located within the Northern Territory of Australia. All operations are now consolidated at Acacia Gap, which is around 45 minutes by road from Darwin, the northernmost city in Australia with both an international air and sea port.
The current plantings of 54,000 trees comprise:
17,000 Kensington Pride mango trees
11,000 R2E2 mango trees
2,000 Nam Doc Mai trees
3,500 Maha chanook mango trees
1,500 Tahitian lime trees
We are proud to have planted more 19,000 Maha Chanok Mango trees in 2022, showcasing our trademark variety.
Morover, there are also 1,000 specialised Keow Savoy in our field.
Our new state of the art packing shed with 4 star accommodation facility focuses on the supply of produce to the international and domestic market.